Hey guys, it’s a new year and new beginnings! I thought I’d share my thoughts on what’s hot right now in the store!
What was hot in 2023? Cultivated Kinam! It’s quite incredible that we can now get this resin rich wood at such reasonable prices! Hainan and Guangdong are pumping out this stuff at such a rate, the market price has plummeted. We have some very popular White Kinam in store right now and by end of January we will also be stocking sinking grade white Kinam. I believe that during 2024 the prices of cultivated Kinam may well keep dropping due to the glut and I’m pretty sure that China has tons of Kinam to supply us with far into the future. I’m sure this new kinamic craze will spur other regions to start producing Kinam also which is a great thing, we need more cultivated Kinam scent profiles available. There’s a U.K. ex pat in the Philippines who started a plantation a few years ago. He should be ready with filipino Kinam soon!

Best budget oil:
One oil we have in stock right now that should be on everyone’s radar is our 2023 Kalimantan. This thrifty wild oil delivers deep oudy complexity and light musky notes at a great price. Grab a sample!

Best Agarwood:
My personal favourite wood in right now is Tarakan. I might be a Borneo simp but this stuff just hits the spot for me, deep and serious woody vibes. The Malinau we have in is geographically close to Tarakan and scent wise is similar also, a close 2nd here. One wood that is Uber rare is our Papua New Guinea. Deep earthy tobacco vibes with a touch of sweetness. Grab some, you may not see it again for a while!i

Best artisan oil:
2023 Green Kedah is quite simply the strongest new gen oil I’ve ever come across! Dark berries, star anise, pencil shavings and cola. It’s a serious oil that will improve slowly over time.
Up until now we’ve been supplying the very best Indonesian sandalwood available anywhere on the internet! We’re levelling up in 2024 with the release of a few more unique aroma batches of ‘vintage Java’, vintage mysore and an incredible ‘once in a lifetime’ 1.8kg batch of single tree Java that I can say is a freak of nature! The aroma of this batch will be something to

With the last dribble of ‘Attar Champ’ being sold my 2nd Attar ‘Hinoud’ has proven very popular with those that have tried it. A shiny, deep and mysterious oil based on Hina, saffron and 2016 Trat Oud. Only 10g of this oil is now available. I’m working on a 3rd ‘amber style’ Attar to be released later this year and exploring some others made by an artisan in India, stay tuned!